School Info

School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 8:45AM - 3:15PM
Wednesday | 8:45AM - 2:45PM
Main Office Hours: 8AM - 4PM
Early Release Days: 12:55PM dismissal

Absences and Late Policy

See details >>

A parent or guardian must call the front office at 617.349.6550 as early as possible to inform staff of the early dismissal. If a student must leave before the end of the school day, a parent or guardian (or other authorized adult) must sign the student out at the main office, where the student will be dismissed. If a parent or guardian is not picking up the student, they must send in a written, signed, and dated note stating what authorized adult will pick up the student.

Vassal Lane Upper School follows a five day schedule during which students take a combination of core academic classes (Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science) and specials (PE, Art, Health, Music, French/Spanish). Individual schedules are available on Aspen and paper copies will be available to students on their first day of school.

VLUS follows a semester schedule, with some classes switching at the halfway point in the year. We formally report out on student progress four times a year.

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